At Healing Our Brokenness Ministries we are passionate in helping wounded individuals move toward emotional and mental wellness. ~ Grace Gayle
You cannot live in a broken world without eventually being marred by brokenness on a personal level. All of us to a greater or lesser degree, carry around emotional scars, affecting our level of mental wellness. Childhood trauma causes catastrophic emotional and mental illness in later years. Such distress may be caused from physical or emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, or sexual abuse. The survivor suffers from pathological loneliness. depression, anxiety, anger, and low self-worth.
Your level of mental wellness affects every area of your life.
Your thoughts, your emotions, your behavior, your relationships, your choice in a marriage partner, and your relationship with God.
Share your story with a trustworthy friend.
Acknowledge the damage done to you.
Embrace your freedom.
You do not owe allegiance to offenders.
Believe the truth about who you really are.
Invite God into your healing journey.
Give and receive forgiveness.
Walk with me through my healing journey, and find restoration and mental wellness for yourself.
Grace Gayle
Healing Emotional Wounds - Grace Gayle - Book Series
Start your healing journey now!
From Victim To Victor

After nine years of a difficult ministry in an Ontario housing complex and the deaths of my father and brother, I plunged into the deepest, darkest hole you could imagine. As anger, fear, depression, and loneliness engulfed me, I poured out my emotions. – God, who are You? – God, if You love me, show me. – God, why didn’t You protect me? I asked God to guide my healing process and give me the right books to help me heal. God answered my prayers.
The Making of Grace

How big is your God? Can He restore a marriage on the brink of divorce? Can He take a roaring lion and transform him into a gentle lamb? Can He rebuild a broken person so miraculously that she is now stronger than she had ever been? Can He take two broken people, bring them together and then walk them into healing? It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you angry. It will meet you where you are. You will be encouraged. You will be blessed. And you will come away knowing that, our God is without limits
Restoring Relationships

Living in a broken world where offenses and hurt feelings are common place, chances are you know someone you were once close to whom you no longer associate with. Maybe it was someone you worked with or served with on a committee. Possibility it was a neighbor, close friend, parent or sibling. Perhaps it is one of your children. The very thought of the wedge between the two of you brings an ache to your heart and tears to your eyes.
Freedom Through Forgiveness

Take a moment and think about the word, “forgiveness”. What emotions does such an activity stir in you? Do you find it fills you with a feeling of sweet security and well-being? Your conscience is clear and you have peace knowing that nothing is held against you. Now remove the ending of the word and you are left with, “forgive”.
Filling the Void

We were all created with a God shaped vacuum within our soul, longing to be filled with God Himself. If we do not fill this void with God’s love we will fill it with something else; dysfunctions, habits and dependencies which cannot satisfy. A dependency can be a person or anything we rely on to dull the pain when we are worried or are unable to face our situation.
Stepping Into the Light

Your dark tunnel may be so overwhelming that you can’t imagine anything beyond surviving the next few hours. Be encouraged, there may be a glimmer of light just around the next bend of your pathway to healing. “Stepping into the Light” is book nine in my series of Healing Emotional Wounds. It gives a brief review of my healing journey and shares a glimpse into what it is like to have the future open up before you.
Facing the Darkness

After burning out from nine years of a difficult ministry in an Ontario Housing complex, and the deaths of my father and brother, I plummeted into the deepest, darkest pit you could imagine. The only way for me to heal was to turn around and face the darkness with courage.
Those Painful Emotions

What is it that brought me to this place? •Where do I run to? •How do I find the words to explain something I don’t understand?•Who can I talk to who won’t think I have gone mad?If the above questions echo the ponderings of your heart, this book was written for you. Within these pages, you will find the source of help, hope, and healing.
God if you Love me Show me

You can understand how old wounds affect your behaviour, your relationships, and your marriage, but how do past wounds affect your relationship with God? How do you know if your spiritual life is being sabotaged? Here’s a little test.• Do you fear the future?•Do you fear not having enough?•Do you struggle with believing God loves you as a unique person even when you walk away?•Do you have difficulty feeling God’s love at your emotional level?
Those Turbulent Emotions

How individuals feel about their self-worth determines how they will interact with peers and superiors. •Do you struggle with excessive anger or violence?•Do you have a need to control situations?•Does fear keep you from doing the things you want to do?•Are you frequently the object of peer mockery or bullying?•Do you gossip, belittle, or bully, others emotionally?•Do you involve yourself in activities which cause self-harm?These are indications that you are not happy with something about yourself or your situation.
About Healing Our Brokenness Ministries & Grace Gayle
Grace Gayle is the founder and director of “Healing Our Brokenness Ministries” (2014). Through this umbrella Grace and Paul reach out to individuals who are struggling with the aftermath of childhood trauma, broken marriages, relational issues, addictions, and depression.
Grace Gayle and Paul are Chaplains with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada, ministering in community settings. They bring thirty years’ experience walking with wounded individuals through their journeys of healing in pursuit of mental wellness. Grace believes the best medication for broken hearts and depression is meditating on Scriptures of God’s love.
Grace’s greatest passion is in growing ever deeper in her relationship with her Heavenly Father. Time spent in personal worship, prayer, and Bible study is her source of life, love, strength, wisdom, and knowledge. Her desire is to use what God is teaching her to reach the lost and build up individuals in their own journeys of faith. Her joy is to watch the progress of people moving from brokenness to wholeness, and on to leadership in ministry.
Grace Gayle has written eleven books on using Scripture in the healing journey. Nine of which are a series entitled “Healing Emotional Wounds.” Designed for small groups, each book has a workbook at the back for personal application and group discussions (2017). Grace has used these books in church settings and has witnessed lives being transformed.
Grace’s first book, “From Victim to Victor”, subtitled, A Personal Healing Journey, was published in 2012. In it, Grace tells her own story with transparency and straightforward illustrations of how God used Scripture to bring complete healing to her brokenness. The book is intended to be a roadmap by encouraging the reader to follow in her footsteps toward mental wellness.
In 2017, Grace published her autobiography, entitled, “The Making of Grace”, in which she again in open honesty, shares the struggles of two broken individuals coming together into a dysfunctional marriage. The reader walks with Grace and her husband, Paul, through the healing of their marriage and other relationships.
Grace is a passionate retreat and conference speaker on issues pertaining to the healing journey, mental wellness, growing in grace, reaching your God given potential, and pursuing your calling. Using the Word of God, Grace brings practical teaching and encouragement for life’s experiences.
Grace Gayle is married to Paul McMullen, her husband of 46 years, and manager of her social media. Together they serve in community ministry and host monthly International Pastors’ Zoom Conferences.
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