There's a Better Way To Live

Healing Through Forgiveness -Foregiveness in Pain

Healing Through the Power of Forgiveness

Take a moment and think about the word, “forgiveness”. What emotions do you experience when you realize you have been forgiven? “Forgiveness”, what a wonderful word it is! How healing it is! How freeing it is! Healing through forgiveness is a powerful growing experience. Yet forgiveness has two sides to it. Forgiveness has a double edge.

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Understanding Compassion

Giving and Receiving Compassion

What is compassion? we each need to understand the necessity of compassion. When we open the Bible to learn about compassion, we’re faced with dozens of references to this very topic. We learn that we should be compassionate to others; that God is compassionate to humanity; we see people crying out for compassion. So what is compassion? At its very core, it is the sensitivity to the suffering of ourselves and others. It’s the desire to help ease the suffering, whether that’s experienced in our lives or in the lives of others.

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Family Forgives

Forgiveness is a Life Changing Experience

You can’t live in a broken world without eventually being marred by brokenness on a personal level. All of us to a greater or lesser degree are carrying around wounds or scars in various stages of healing. How you deal with the hurt will define the rest of your life.

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