There's a Better Way To Live

It Just Takes an Attitude Adjustment

Ways to Attain the Best Positive Attitude

It just takes an attitude adjustment. I woke up this morning with a dark cloud hanging over my head. There was a challenge facing me that I considered a necessary nuisance. In the past, I would think this task to be something that had to be done. So, I would grudgingly settle in and work at it until it was finished. This morning, however, The Spirit checked me, and I was reminded of what I had said just last week in a presentation. “God wants our worship. Worship comes first, then everything else we do will flow out of our love and fellowship with our Lord. Every area of our lives is to be surrendered, in an act of worship.”

Mental Wellness Hinges on an Attitude Adjustment

Much of our level of mental wellness can be attributed to our mindset toward a situation. If we insist on looking on the bright side, we may cast off the feeling of gloominess. However, if we dwell on negative thinking, we may find ourselves plummeting into feelings of depression and despair. What we allow ourselves to think about, greatly impacts our level of mental wellness.

Picture your thoughts as the engine of a train. Your emotions are attached to the engine and must follow along wherever the engine takes them. If you allow your thoughts to focus on negativity, your emotions will follow suit and you find yourself feeling weary or sad. The answer is to take control of your thoughts. You can adjust your attitude by what you think about it.

A Change of Focus Alters Your Attitude

It just takes an attitude adjustment. When we focus on ourselves, we are more susceptible to mood swings. Worrying about conditions beyond your control makes you more sensitive to negative circumstances. The solution could be as simple as changing your focus. If we reach out in assisting someone else through a difficult time, our emotions shift. Helping others brings a reward of happiness and fulfillment.  For many individuals struggling with depression and anxiety, volunteer opportunities make the difference. They find they feel better when they interact with other suffers. It just takes an attitude adjustment and looking beyond our own emotional pain.

Worship Modifies Our Attitude

When we worship, we take the focus off ourselves and put it on our God. The meaning of the word, “worship”, of the one true God comes from the old English word, “worth-ship”. The word describes actions and attitudes that highly favor and honor worthiness. When used of God, it expresses awe and adoration toward Him. True worship is God-centered, not self-centered. It focuses on God’s character traits, not on human needs. We bow in awe of our Creator’s glory, majesty, splendor, and holiness

Worship is an act of our will. The keyword is “will”. It is not about emotions. We can choose to worship, even when we don’t feel like it. Worship lifts us out of self-focus and fills us with joy. David, in his psalms frequently declared, “I will,” worship, praise, sing, or rejoice. It just takes an attitude adjustment. Choose to marvel at His unfailing love and His faithfulness to you. If words of gratitude do not come easily, consider praying through the words of the psalmists until you feel a shift in your emotions.

We are created to honor and worship our God. This is our primary purpose.  When we fail to fulfill our purpose in worship, we negatively affect our level of mental wellness. God desires our worship. You and I  are made for an ever-increasing depth of worship. As we grow in our relationship with our Lord and Savior, we find ourselves living in a mindset of worship. Every area of our lives is to be surrendered, in an act of worship. This is abundant life and the fulfillment of our purpose.

Forgiveness Corrects Our Attitude

It just takes an attitude adjustment.There is nothing like unforgiveness that more powerfully affects your attitude. When we are angry with someone, we replay the situation in our minds repeatedly. If the responsibility is on us to ask for forgiveness, we are miserable and blame everything on someone else. These situations overflow into attitudes toward other relationships. We can never be truly happy until we get rid of all bitterness and feelings of retaliation.

Unforgiveness takes a terrible toll on mental wellness. Often victims refuse to forgive because they think they are hurting the offender. If only they could realize that they are keeping themselves chained to the one who hurt them, by not letting it go. True forgiveness releases your past and opens up your future. Happiness can be yours; it just takes an attitude adjustment.

Attitude Affects Your Level of Success

If you think you can’t, you won’t; if you think you’ll fail, you will. You must acknowledge to yourself and to God that you can’t do it without Him; then He will be right there to help you. It just takes an attitude adjustment. Positive thinking and a surrendered heart go a long way when it comes to success. However, our timing is rarely God’s timing. It has been said, “God is seldom early, but He is never late. Everything God does is in the fullness of His timing. If God has called you, He will do it. It takes faith and obedience and the right attitude, to get the job done.

Thankfulness Resets Our Attitude

When we are generally grateful for what we have, and what God has done for us, our outlook on life tends to be more optimistic. But if we have an attitude of “woe is me” or “I deserve more”, we focus on the negative or pessimistic view of the circumstances. Learning to look for the good in everything and be thankful for being spared what could have happened, gives us an attitude of gratitude. Scripture says we are to be thankful in every situation, for this is God’s will. Then God will bless us. Godliness with contentment is for our benefit and gives God glory.

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God… Psalm 50:14(NLT)

It Just Takes an Attitude Adjustment

Many of us group our duties or responsibilities into what we think is glorifying to God. Helping a neighbor or church member with yard work would be considered ministry, so we willingly do it. But if our husband or wife asks us to do the same thing, we complain or inwardly groan. Why is that? It is a result of labeling our obligations. We have work, or ministry, family, and then chores.

When a neighbor asks for help, we see it as a ministry and glorifying God. We accept opportunities to serve since it makes us feel good. But when it comes to family or chores, we drag our feet, because we forget that everything we do, is a ministry unto our God. When we consider the difficult and mundane tasks to be an act of worship, we are truly serving our Lord and Savior.

God’s mercies are new every morning regardless of our circumstances. Every difficult situation is an opportunity to grow in character and spiritual strength. God promises to bring good out of every problem when we surrender the outcome to Him. It is our choice whether or not we will enjoy our day. It just takes an attitude adjustment. 

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It Just Takes an Attitude Adjustment