Walking through the Pain of Grief
Walking through the pain of grief evokes a disturbing response for individuals who have suffered extensively. The sources are many and vary in nature. Painful emotions are those which people try to suppress to avoid attracting attention. They are the expressions of pain that cause observers to feel uncomfortable. Yet stories of survivors fill the shelves in bookstores and libraries.
Why is it readers are drawn to life experiences expressing pain and sorrow? Could it be that everyone hurts? Individuals grieve losses, suffer brokenness from painful memories, or struggle with depression resulting from a life-time of tragedies. You are not alone in your suffering.
Responding to Those Emotions
Grieving is a natural response to loss, and loss is no respecter of persons. Although individuals may grieve in a variety of ways, loss levels the playing field between social classes, races, ages, and sexes. No one understands the loss of a grieving mother better than another mother burdened by the same feeling of brokenness. No one understands the forceful loss of purity more than another victim. No one understands any loss better than another individual suffering the same hurt.
Individuals grieve for many reasons. One person grieves the loss of a loved one, or a relationship, while another grieves the loss of employment, health or youth. A parent grieves the rebellion of a teenage son or daughter. A young teen grieves the loss of her first love or the rejection of a desired friendship. A child grieves the loss of her father through parental divorce.
Loss, regardless of the cause, leaves an open wound which will require grieving and mourning to bring about healing. Your goal is not the end of your grieving, but to allow your journey to change you. Grieving becomes part of the experiences that mould you for your destiny. Grieving produces a feeling of brokenness. Perhaps the word, “shattered” is more accurate. You begin to question whether there is life after this devastation. You wonder, “How can I pick up the pieces and go on?” “How is moving forward possible?”
But God, (I love those words). “But God”, changes everything. What is not achievable as you are walking through the pain of grief is made possible for you when you cast yourself upon the One who gave His life for you, so that you can have abundant life. He is there in your brokenness.
Synopsis from the Book "Those Painful Emotions"
Walking through the pain of grief are those emotions which come to the surface at inconvenient times and cause embarrassment. Loss causes grief. Grief suppressed produces brokenness. Brokenness left unattended promotes depression. Depression births hopelessness.
You wonder-
- What is it that brought me to this place?
- Where do I run to?
- How do I find the words to explain something I don’t understand?
- Who can I talk to who won’t think I have gone mad?
If the above questions echo the ponderings of your heart, this book was written for you. Within these pages, you will find the source of help, hope, and healing.
Excerpts From book three of “Healing Emotional Wounds” series, Subtitle “Those Painful Emotions”, by Grace Gayle
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